「働く」ということをみんながもっと「楽しんで」いたら、おもしろいことが起こるんじゃないかな。「働く男」が自分の仕事に誇りを持ち、自由に楽しく働いていたら「かっこいい」んじゃないかな。そんな世の中になったらおもしろそうだし、みんなが幸せになるんじゃないかな、と思っています。 そのための活動や貢献をするための場として、株式会社プリンシプルを立ち上げました。
2013.6.4 村田光俊
What if people “enjoy” their everyday “work” ? Something interesting may happen in the world. What if men haveself-confidence and pride in their work? That would be “COOL” . It must be great if all people in the world have such apositive attitude. To achieve this dream world and contribute to society, we founded a company called “PRINCIPLE” . Westrive to make our partners (customers, relevant parties, people in communities and all people who has the same vision asus) happy and glad by offering something very special, and want to be happy together. We are aiming at being anindispensable company as a foundation for building an affluent society, which gives happiness to others. We believe thatthe affluent society can be realized when we truly sense the pleasure of living as a Japanese and when we feel proud of asJapanese. We “PRINCIPLE” strive to create a market, lead the world, and contribute to the development and prosperity ofhumankind by showing the ways of Japanese and providing a reliable operation with a good quality service. Our hope isthat all people living in Japan enjoy their lives and works. Our company “PRINCIPLE” is built to make healthy and cheerfulJapan, and we want to keep our company to be always close to the happiness of our partners.
Mitsutoshi Murata